Greedy for Gain
By Mauricio Bell
My intentions were to leave the dope game and to live a straight life for my wife and two step daughters. I was one of the very few that was selected for a security position at the food kitchen on the outskirt of the airport. I was an extraordinary employee. I created safety procedures for the company. I went above and beyond in my job duties. With my knowledge of the street life and my desire to live peacefully, I was able to bring my fellow co-workers to a peace treaty, being a few of us were active gang members from different neighborhoods. There was even a time that the company I worked for was about to lose their contract at that site, but because of my personal relationship that I had obtained from the President of American Airlines. I was not only able to save my employers contract, but I was also promoted to head of security for our site. I was so trusted by the company that I was able to get my guys from the Englewood area jobs,( no matter what their background was).
One day an informant brought some crooked behavior to my attention. He told me that a big shipment of liquor was going to be stolen at 1 a.m. by one for the Plant Supervisors. I went to the Plant Supervisor an hour before the shipment was set to leave and told him I knew what was going on as I was walking back to my office to file a report the Supervisor ran behind me and begged me to keep my mouth shut. I asked the supervisor how much he makes with each shipment and he said they make about $7000 with each shipment. Then I asked how many shipments go out a week, and he replied, “Three times a week.”
Once I calculated how much they were making a week, my hustler’s mentality turned on. I told the supervisor in order for this shipment to leave without me reporting it to the boss and the proper authorities I would need $1500 up front and $1500 for every shipment that went out from the warehouse that was not on the books. The word got around that I could be bought. I was approached by everyone that wanted to move any product out of the site whether it be liquor, meat, household supplies, etc.( as long as I was getting a cut). I became a part of the game, having the products shipped to my house so I can sell them on the block. I was hungry to get rich. It wasn’t enough that I did not stop selling drugs on my block when I got the job, but now I have my hand in extortion, bootlegging, and meat selling.
Every week I would put on my game face when meeting with the President of the company. I had a way of making him feel that I had everything under control at the site and things were flowing smoothly. Me and him was so tight that we used to discuss our personal problems, all while I was robbing him blind.
One day, I was sent to another state by my company to train at another security site and that’s when everything became all bad. I received a call from a co-worker from my original site and was told the Feds came and took the Plant Supervisor to jail, for trying to move $50,000 worth of liquor out the warehouse. Come to find out the Supervisor had been stealing liquor for years, and the President was putting pressure on my company to get me back there. After hearing this I did not know what to expect. I thought I had been found out. Once I made it back to the site I was asked to attend a meeting with multiple Presidents of the different airline companies and my company. In the meeting I was assigned a task to keep watch on the supervisors. I then returned back to the supervisors to inform them of the new duty I was asked to do. A few of the supervisors quit while the others decided to stay working at the place we turned corrupt.
One day the President made his weekly trip to the airport for his normal meeting. He walked out of the office with a grim look on his face. He walked over to me and advised me that he has been fired due to the loss that was taken in the department. At the time, I could not even sympathized with the man knowing I was a part of the problem. I went on to become head of security at a different site. Shortly after I was transferred, three months to be exact, the Feds came back and busted three more supervisors at the Plant. I was the lucky one that got away, but to show how Karma works I was arrested shortly after starting at the new location for drugs and ended up losing my security privileges. The lesson learned is that a person can be too greedy for gain but in the end it is not worth it. What is it for a person to gain the whole world and lose his soul?