A lot can be said for a guy who starts out with nothing more than a hobby and a dream and ends up making a name for himself Basically from just promoting hisself.. … Born March 10th… Tk Benson can be compared to such a person… He started making beats back in his hometown of Atlanta GA.. In 2008. When Facebook and social media first came about.. Djing under the name of.. DJ-VENOM.. He decided to jump right on it and use that as a way of gaining whatever type of success he could get. He went to different colleges but would not be able to sharpen his skills until he went to FullSail in Orlando…..
He moved back to St. Louis back in 2011 and quickly started going places to get his nsme out there.. He self taught himself how to do videos.. Edited videos as well as being able to DJ birthday parties and weddings…
After the shooting death of a 16 year old cousin he would become a Mentor for some of our Black Youth…. When the events of Ferguson started he spoke out against all Police racial profiling and brutality against Black Americans.. He was interviewed by the Atlanta Journal speaking out against police shootings of Black Americans…
He still mentors he is back writing music as well as producing some of his own material…
Again a lot can be said for someone who starts from nothing and sets out to make a name for theirself…… Tk Benson(DJ-VENOM) Is that person…