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Home > AUGUST 2015 > If the government doesn’t make money off it they not letting u have it!!!!

If the government doesn’t make money off it they not letting u have it!!!!

So they wait till the world buys them then a day before Xmas drop the bomb….so I look it up.. The ticket is $275 an they take your board smh … If the government doesn’t make money off it they not letting u have it!!!! Alcohol cigarettes weed all three where illegal … Until the government could make money wit it…then it’s in the stores Etc …. The wanted to register the board like dmv but no license plate they wanted to band them calling it harmful cause the fire scam they were doing didn’t work this is next… Open your eyes to New World Order …. It’s about money!! Prison hospital medicine unemployment everything is about money to them you are expendable ….. Don’t be trapped in a trapped world


by: David Dobbs

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