I AM FIRMLY AGAINST BLACK ON BLACK CRIME/VIOLENCE/MURDER……but at the same time…when you do evil stuff…bully stuff…greedy stuff…jealous stuff….vindictive stuff..selfish stuff….you have to realize that the response maybe ….SOMEONE KILLING YOUR ASS
…..yall cats really need to understand that shit…yall listening to this dumb ass rap music…listening to your dumb ass friends who just as dumb an immature as you….an yall thinking its cool to be a goon…cool to be shyster…cool to bully others….cool to take people stuff because you feel you can….cool to hurt somebody because you dont like them or think they’re lame….cool to destroy others or yourselves….AND NONE OF THAT SHIT COOL
….its stupid…its idiotic…its cowardly….and did i mention its STUPID….how you gone be mad when the police kill black people, but you see nothing wrong with robbing shooting or bullying another black person….that kind of thinking is STUPID…STUPID STUPID STUPID….AND REALLY IT MAKES YOU THE LAME COWARD
…..you aint scared to shoot at your own people…but you too much of a coward to make your neighborhood better…too much of a coward to try an help your people instead of hurt them….TOO MUCH OF A COWARD…TO DO WHAT IS RIGHT!!!!!…
When you do dirt you get put in the dirt…..an you cant expect us to feel sorry for you…because when you harm your own people…. do dirt to your own people…then you no different than racist white police who shoot.