How Pimps Turn Bitches OutThis is the question everyone asks the most. When ever anyone wants to know how to be a pimp. They ask me how do you turn a bitch out? How do pimps convince women to do what they do? They assume that I either gotta beat them up or I am just turning strippers into prostitutes. However, if I wanted to, I could turn your mother out. I remember talking to a guy who was marketing, and he said he was so good at marketing that he could change the way people think about shit. With the right budget, enough time and a properly thought out plan he could convince say a group of 100 people to think that shit was good, or shit smells good. I am not talking about shit being material goods, I am talking about human shit, the stuff that comes out of your asshole. What he went on to say is it might just take too long, or it might take too much money or maybe there’s no one willing to pay him enough to do it. However he felt he could market anything to any one.
That’s how I feel about your mom. I don’t care who she is, I could turn her out. The only question is how long would it take, how much would I have to invest and would it even be worth it? The answer in most cases is that it’s not worth it. Most women are not worth turning out because it would take too long and cost too much (time and money) for the return you’re going to get. A true pimp knows how to identify bitches based on the return on investment. I could spend the next 2 months turning this bitch out and I know she’d be solid and would make me a lot of money. That other bitch over there is fine as fuck but it could take me a year, two years to break her down and at that point she might not even be a good bitch. So I pass on the second one and focus on getting 5 of the first one. Obviously I meant no offense by using your mom as the example, the point isn’t the character of your mother – I don’t even know her – the point is any woman can be pimped.
Where Pimps Meet BitchesMeeting bitches is one of the most important things and if you’re already a player, you should know how to meet women and approach them. But when you’re a pimp, as fifty said, you’re not hollerin cause u want some head, you’re hollerin cause u want some bread. It’s a big difference and you have to fine tune your skills into knowing where you’re most likely to meet bitches that you can turn out who will make you money. You’re not trying to just fuck these bitches, you want them to make you money. You’re going to need your player instincts, but now you’re going to need to elevate them to a level where your mind is working with your dick. See, when you’re a player you can just run around hollerin at any bitch you want tryin to get some, but when you’re a pimp your time is much more valuable. You gotta know how to wisely spend your time, and when to recognize situations where you can turn bitches out easily.
Pimps Get Bitches To Fall In LoveThis is a big difference between being a player and being a pimp. I remember my best friend from when we were kids was a player, by the time we were 21 he had already fucked over 100 bitches. But he had never once had a relationship that lasted more than 2 weeks. The second bitches would get to know him, they’d go running. Now there was nothing glaring wrong with this guy, I considered him a good friend and we got along great so I’m not talking about a psycho path or something. He was tall, handsome and knew when to say something and when to shut up, and he knew how to turn a kiss on the dance floor into fucking in the backseat of his car. What he didn’t know how to do was to get inside a bitches heart, they’d fuck him, then they’d see something in him and move on. Being a player and 21 years old, it wasn’t really the end of the world for him. But if you want to be a pimp, you gotta be able to have that pick up game but more importantly, once you got a bitch, you gotta get that bitch to love you and quick. You gotta get inside her heart and inside her mind and feel like the two of you have made a soul mate connection. I’ve done this hundreds of times and for me, and for most pimps, it’s easy.
How Pimps Train BitchesOnce you’ve got that bitches attention and you can tell she’s falling in love with you, it’s time to turn that bitch into a hoe that makes you money. Now you can lose some bitches at this point, pick them up, get them to fall in love with you and then when you try and turn them out they clam up like a turtle in it’s shell and you lose em. That will happen to any pimp, although less frequent as you become more experienced. However most bitches once you’ve got them this far, turning them out becomes easy. There’s a whole technique about it and everything completely relies on how you let the situation present itself to the bitch. If you do it without tact, she’s gonna go running. If you try and physically intimidate a bitch into turning tricks for you, you’re game is wack. But if you can let a bitch know what the situation is, and have her enthusiastic to go out and turn tricks and bring you your money, now you’re a legit pimp. There’s no better feeling in the world for me then turning a bitch into a hoe. It’s a special feeling that very few ever get to experience. The satisfaction comes from knowing that if you walked up to her the first time you met her and told her what your plan was, she’d run the other way. But through some sweet talkin and careful planning and execution, this bitch is about to go fuck dudes for money and bring it to you. It’s a great feeling.
How Pimps Get Bitches To Turn TricksGetting a bitches attention, then her ear, then her heart is a job in itself, but putting that bitch to work is a whole other story. Now a days there’s the internet and so you might not be grimey enough to put your bitch on track (the street) so you might have her working online as an escort. If that’s the case it’s still a lot of work to get your bitch making you money. If you got your bitch working track, you gotta a whole new set of responsibilities to make sure shit goes smoothly. The main thing about putting a bitch you just turned out to work is breaking her down mentally. Making sure she understands she no longer owns a pussy, or an ass, or titties or a body or even a mind at this point. You own that ass and she belongs to you. You need to make sure that principle is set from the very beginning and you keep that up. If you don’t got your shit together and you got a bitch who’s willing to put in work but you ain’t got no work for her, you’re going to run into problems. So you need to have your pimp game figured out before you get to this point with a bitch. There’s no “we’re leaning together” you were born a pimp and have done this a million times, there was no first time for you.
If you can follow all of the steps of meeting bitches, getting the bitch to love you, makin that bitch a hoe and then putting that bitch to work you’re now well onto your way of becoming a very successful pimp. You still got a long ways to go though, that’s not the end of the road. There’s never a time when a pimp can throw up his feet on the desk and consider his job done. You now got a bitch who’s working for you and you need to make sure that bitch stays in line.
Keeping bitches in check