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$Shan L Jackson

I’m from the South side of Chicago: born Dec 14,1980 All my life I’ve been into music! In elementary school I used too make beats on the desk with pens and pencil’s, while freestyling! people loved it, so that was a good push off! And on and off , I’d made

Arial Salena

I am Arial Salena , (photo/fashion) model, with a passion for …creativity and fashion. I model mainly … Print and commercial but enjoyed occasional …… all (2 other genres). To date I worked with …CEO shan/$.$han Photography and another photographer:John Casablanca (agency/photographer/publication), I did ...None! (ad, campaign, video etc.) and

All my forefathers

All my forefathers All my forefathers' hallelujahs and amens Still go unanswered But you expect me to clasp my hands, close my eyes and bow my head? Are you for real? Or are you for dumb? Because while we keep shouting, echoing all these words We're being trampled down Grinded from flesh and bones into dust From whenst we


THE UNWIND - Chapter 1: Secrets set everyone free Kylan began to dance as the music started to play. She hated being a stripper but it was the only way she was making money at the time, money good enough to take care of her and her sister. Nobody knew she worked

The Unexplainable Me

The Unexplainable Me: The unexplainable me is the girl you don't see. The one that cries watching Lilo and stitch 2 because stich dies. The one that prays for another serious of her favorite shows because Betty and Daniel should be together. The one who doesn't take no for an answer
