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Home > March 2017 > TRUTH BE TOLD


TRUTH BE TOLD: September 11, 2015 (911) was the day I found what I found that made me understand & realize “JESUS” wasn’t real (caused me to go into an extreme #depressive state)….I got serious & really started studying this #KNOWLEDGE in Nov. 2015 after iaccepted my new findings about “RELIGION.”….Then, I woke up one day without the urge for food….went 2 months without eating a single thing, only drunk water….and didn’t even realize I didn’t have the need or want for food till it was pointed out by my 9yr old son (my #ENERGY level wasn’t affected at all, I was actually more energized more than ever)….My body basically started “FASTING” on it’s own….and continued to do so for an entire #YEAR straight. I lost sooo much weight my family thought something was wrong with me.

As I began to study and research the information I was lead to I felt extremely #CONNECTED to it…like I knew it already….while reading it majority of the time, I would have several “DEJA VUe” moments almost like I was recalling/ living the moments within the knowledge I was studying…it was #STRANGE as hell….At that time, iwas working part-time as a psych RN …so I began to self diagnose myself. I really thought I had developed some sort of Psych disorder unheard of or undiscovered.😂😂😂

Now, IAM at a point to where I feel like a “HUEman SNAKE,”…like i’m “SHEDDING” myself over and over again….I feel like i’m going thru a “REBIRTH” again & again….”WEIRD” iknow, just had to tell someone. Okay, carry on…..💜💙💚💛💖🎶

By:Renentet Ptah Aten

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