I say this last thing about this whole Remy Vs Nicki thing…..my ultimate hope is….that Remy and Nicki…eventually do like Nas and Jay Z did….and publicly squash their beef and apologize to each other…and unify on a business level….
AND THIS SENDS A MESSAGE to both all of you…and all of our youth….that black people can settle beef in a positive non violent way….and work together towards economic unity….
AND I ESPECIALLY HOPE…..that ALL of YOU….who posted so much about all this remy vs nicki beef….post just as much…with as much passion….about them squashing beef and promoting peace an unity….Ase’
we all got a role to play in the message we send to our people…..
Some of you really need to check yourselves!!!!! Im not gone say names…..but some of you really are hypocrites in your posting…about this “rap beef” 😐……then have the nerve to say..asleep folk ignore yo conscious posts cuz they wanna stay sleep….NO ….they ignore cuz they see you an inconsistent flip flopper….
1 second u dissing beyonce an celebrity worship, talking about the violence and ignorance in the hood, and you detailing everything wrong with religion an why black christians are stupid….
NEXT SECOND….you praising Remy Ma or Nicki Minage like you work for them….you getting into ignorant ass hood fb arguments with people who disagree with your stance…..and you up here talking about Team Remy or Team Nicki….like you worshipping these folks religiously….you say black christians sound stupid, hmmm🤔 well yall sound pretty stupid and hypocritical right now also…..
i wouldnt listen to yall either….because u a flip flop hypocrite….religion an beyonce is bad….but remy vs nicki battle rap an bank account worship is good huh…..MANNNN….yall need to go talk to the person in the mirror an check yall self…..i use to do the same dumb shit….i had to get a grip….you need to also
By:Ra DaGriot