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Ive posted about this before, but due to the most recent controversy over Jesse Williams speech at the BET awards, which seems to have reignited the whole light vs dark division among blacks especially here on facebook….SOOOO….i got to address this again.

SO BOTTOM LINE….this whole light vs dark thing is something racist white people created…an WE ARE KEEPING IT GOING…..STOP IT….

Look…before there was EVER A CAUCASIAN PERSON ON THE PLANET…..Black African Melanated people were here an we gave birth to black people of all shades without mixing with anyone else (because we were the only people on the planet)…..two black people can give birth to an obsidian black person a dark brown person a brown person a reddish skin person a light brown skin person a tan person a light person a white person…..WE GAVE BIRTH TO EVERYONE…WITH NO HELP OR MIXING WITH ANYONE ELSE…..

Furthermore…not to get too technical an scientific….but melanin or rather our blackness (the carbon which gives us our color an power)….is both on the outside of our bodies an on the inside of our bodies….meaning that a person who may appear light skin on the outside an lacking an abundance of melanin on their outter skin…may have an abundance of melanin inside their body…throughout their nervous an circulatory system…. a person whether light brown or dark who has a functioning non-calcified pineal gland …their pineal gland when functional is producing a great amount of melanin 24/7-365….so they will have more soul…more spirit…more connection to THE CREATOR…more connection to what is right in all aspects….so whether light or dark on the outside…its really about your 3rd eye(pineal gland) being open an functional….

Now far as light skin people being used by the white racist oppressor…well both dark skin an light skin blacks have been used against us…both light skin an dark skin blacks have betrayed us….one is no better nor more or less guilty than the other….

however what we are all guilty of is allowing this psychological manipulation by white people to continue to be a problem in our community…an continue to ourselves spread an perpetuate it…..THIS MUST STOP…

It was the white man who told us to look at each other differently if we are different hues….it was the white man who enslaved us all an then put some of us in the house an some in the field but all of us were getting raped beaten an tortured… was the white man who told us to fight each other an divide from each other over color….because as long as we do so the white man can easily keep control over all of us….

If you are a brown or dark skin person…I understand…this racist society…is racist to all of us black people…but it does treat us brown an dark skin people even worse than other black people…however we can not fall for that psychological bullshit…we can not feed into that divisive bs….

we cant act like our oppressor…because some of us are treating light skin black people the same way an sometimes worse than the way whites treat us all…

Light skin black people…do not think you are better than your darker sisters an brothers…you not….we all the same…you also can not fall for the psychological manipulation of white racist….you can not treat your fellow brothers an sisters the way white racist treat us all…..

Black people…we were on earth for over 1 million years an did not have one colorism issue what so ever….so please let us not let a people who have only been around for 6 thousand years…who came out of caves an crawled on all fours…an whom have only been in power for 500 years….keep getting us to fight an divide from each other over color….

Let us all vow to let go of this Dark vs Light bs…..WE ALL BLACK….NO MATTER WHAT HUE YOU FALL UNDER….

I love you all….i hope my words are felt…

peace love light an BLACK LOVE…BLACK POWER!!!!!!!✊💯☥


By:Ra DaGriot

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