bothers me how some “Folks” find pleasure in putting others down smh and then have the nerve to put “No Shade” that’s why I rarely use social media and can’t wait to hire a promoter to run my social media pages so I don’t have to look at them at all. Its so much hate and envy it’s ridiculous…. Why can’t we all come together especially my Sisters and Brothers! Do yall know how POWERFUL we are together if we stop putting each other down and start lifting and helping each other out??!!! We will be a force to be reckoned with! Instead we kill our own brothers and sisters and talk trash about each other just like “Them People” want us to! They don’t have to do SHIT BECAUSE WE DOING IT TO OUR SELVES!! I just want all my Brothers and Sisters to be successful and enjoy life on earth because that’s what God promised us as long as we keep him first and do the right thing. Alot of you need to look up the definition of HUMBLE and HUMILITY and pray to GOD for it…. BUT HEY WHAT DO I KNOW I’M JUST TONGERRA JACKEE’ MOORE FROM THE SOUTH SIDE OF CHICAGO WHO DREAMS CAME TRUE 🤗🤗🤗
By:Tongie J Moore