I get pulled over for no fuckin reason, he run me but all he came back with was a ticket for a No seatbelt…
I’m pissed, but instead of argue wit his ass n get shot in the head I took my ticket n took my ass to court…
I go i plea, prosecutor kept pulling me in the hallway begging me to settle n pay the fine, told her fyl… My money matters lol
So I wait another hour, TRIAL time… Judge gimmie a long ass speech telling me she don’t have time to get me a lawyer she won’t continue it, n if i don’t stay the pay, that I’ll have to defend myself… I ain’t tripping def been doing that my whole life.
My opening statement… MURDER
Cross examined witnesse (cop)… MURDER
Explanation of evidence (ticket)… MURDER
Closing statement… MURDER
His argument was he’s an experienced officer that would never charge someone for something he didn’t do.
My argument was bitch it was raining, cloudy af and I was doing 65, how tf you see anything. But I put on my professional empathy voice…
“Not accusing the officer of not being good at his job, I’m sure on a clear day like today he can see pretty clearly, but as the conditions clearly state on this ticket, you can barely see in front of you, let alone a seatbelt strap n a moving car doing 65mph”
By the end of the trial judge say both witnessed are credible but i have to go with the defendant, Swear to God whole courtroom cheered, shit was epic… #Cochranreincarnated #fucklawschool #jusTooktheLAWtoschool #mymoneymypockets #fuckyoquota
By:Donnie McGuire