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Everybody needs a Source of income…

Everybody needs a Source of income… Even to fund our ideas!.. But don’t become a mere SLAVE working for the next man all your life… 40+ years to up build someone else’s business.. Then give you retirement funds..and you still broke.. With nothing to leave for your loved ones!!…

But its nothing wrong with a job or working… As Long as you have a dream or Vision… And that job is supporting it!…. Other than that.. You’re still a Slave!!..

It will literally take us a quarter of the time to start Our own business..than Rather bust yo ass 40+ years and have little to show for it!!….I believe Working with a VISION.. Gives Us a better outlook on working for someone else!…

Think about it…. If it wasn’t for Hardworking people such as Ourselves… They business couldn’t sustain!!.. So if we put half that energy into starting Our own business… We could break the chains of this Oppressing Systematic Grid!!..


By:Blackgodd Anu

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