the original holy trinity comes from the african story of AUSAR, AUSET, an HERU….or as the greeks called them Osiris, Isis, an Horus…..
in the story…Ausar an Auset…were God an Goddess..husband an wife….
Ausar along with his goddess wife came to earth…to teach humanity…how to live….how to survive physically…an how to live spiritually moral….together they went all across the land..teaching mankind agriculture technology science math philosophy an morality……
because of their deeds…humanity loved an worshipped them…..which made Ausar’s brother Set (who represented chaos…an was the inspiration for the fictional biblical character satan)….so Set plotted to betray an kill his brother Ausar (this is where the bible got the story of cain an able from as well)…..so Set pretends to give a party for his brother…an he gives him a sarcophagus….an tells Ausar to go inside of it to see if he can fit it….when Ausar does so…Set traps him inside…. Set then kills Ausar…an then cuts his body into 13 pieces…which he scatters across the land…..
Auset through her divine connection to her husband…senses that he has been harmed…. Auset manages…to track her husband’s body parts down….she puts him back together…an wraps his body in anointed bandages (this was the world’s first mummy)…..however Auset could not find her husband’s penis…as it was thrown into the Nile an swallowed by a great fish…. Auset wept bitterly because she lost her husband an god whom she loved dearly…and they had not consummated their marriage…..
through the power of her divine love an divine sorrow…..the spirit of Ausar came back to Auset…Ausar was granted a divine penis to replace the one he lost…an his Spirit consummated with Auset…an she became pregnant with child (this is where the bible gets the immaculate conception/virgin birth from)…..
she bore their child…an called him HERU (Heru is the root word that we get Hero from)…..
meanwhile….after killing Ausar…Set had taken over the land….an had brought great evil an plunged the land into chaos….
It was Heru’s divine duty to save the people from Set…an to avenge his father….
so he began his training….he was tutored by Tehuti who was the personification of wisdom….Heru himself began to teach at the age of 12…..an as he grew he used his divine powers to heal people…an he even had 12 followers….
finally he was ready to challenge his uncle Set….Heru and Set battled….Set tore out one of Heru’s eyes…but ultimately defeated his uncle..saving the people…an restoring peace an harmony back to the land….
Ausar’s spirit ascended to the spiritual plane..to become the judge of those entering into the afterlife….an both Heru an his mother Auset ascended as well…an they became the holy trinity of humanity….the Father the Mother..an the Son/Sun….
^^^^^^^an this is where the bible gets its holy trinity story from….in the biblical story….Ausar become father GOD…Heru becomes Jesus…an Auset becomes the holy spirit…..