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Throughout the history of America, the Black woman has been on the front lines of Black America’s struggle for freedom. She bares the scares of a history of rape, her children sold off into slavery, and witnessing the emasculation, incarceration and murder of her black man. Nonetheless, she stands defiant, strong, and beautiful; the essence of Gods greatest creation. Despite all the black woman has endured, she must now suffer the greatest indignity of all: the verbal abuse of black men.

The character assassination of today’s black woman is very troubling. The woman who has been the backbone of her people is now the victim of public assaults. She is the brunt of jokes and character assassination on social media and rap music. The woman once described as queen, courageous, and beautiful is now referred to as bitch and whore. And what is most despicable is that she is fighting this war alone. Few black men are coming to her defense.
What has transpired that the black woman has fallen to such low esteem in the mindset of her people? What great sins has she committed that has caused her to sink so low in the eyes of her sons, her brothers, and her fathers? Who are her accusers and what crime has she committed against them? And why do they look at her with such distain that they willingly murder her character? More importantly, why aren’t black men coming to her defense. Because if the black woman is innocent as charged, then she should be defended to the death, and the voices of her accusers should be silenced.

If you are a black man and don’t subscribe to what is being said about black woman, where is your outrage? It is our job and as men to protect our women. Failing to do so make us less than men. We must be loud and clear, and let the world know that these low lives, these poor excuse for men, do not speak for black America, and their continued character assassination of our women will no longer be tolerated.

After all, what kind of man belittles his mother, his sisters, and his daughters? Can we even call ourselves civilized people when we denigrate our women? We should ask ourselves these and similar questions, because one thing is certain; if we don’t respect and protect our women, why should anyone else? Why should anyone else respect our mothers, our sisters, and our daughters?

We look foolish and petty to the world when we allow this to happen. It speaks volumes as to the kind of people we are, and what we think of ourselves. Finally, we should take a hard look at ourselves and ask the question; what kind of people births and nurtures the kind of man child that grows up and refers to his women as bitches and whores?

By:Edward Davie

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