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Home > May 2016 > I believe it’s too many clashing of egos in the Black Community

I believe it’s too many clashing of egos in the Black Community

I recognize a King doesn’t really support another King like how we should.. Especially if their point of views aren’t mutual…I believe it’s too many clashing of egos in the Black Community….

As crazy as it may sound… Some of your own people are even jealous of one’s wisdom! Smh….I don’t do this for “LIKES” family!….And the Truth doesn’t need defending because it defends itself!!… I even pick up the vibes of fellow brothers via the internet!.. Frequencies are just that strong!… They hate the fact of the attention my posts get… (Which I don’t care if noone Likes)….. Because I don’t put myself in a box such as: RBG…KEMETIC… CHRISTIAN… ISLAM… BUDDHIST… CATHOLIC…. ATHEIST… ETC!!!

Which I have nothing against these groups…. But belief.. Makes it hard to coexist…. I study all of these Literature… And build my own Pyramid.. To my innerstanding!…. I’m sorry I don’t post to your liking… It’s about UNIVERSAL COMMUNION… It’s either that or Nothing!!

THE CREATOR(s)= Energy (Masculine) & Mother Nature (Feminine)!…When forged together as one… Produces Creation!… ALL life forms…molecules and Atoms!…

GOD= Is You!…Made in the Image of those who were created by the Creator (s)…Having the ability to Create and destroy… Physically & consciously!..

ANCESTORS= Any person that lived generations before you… Who we reverence as Cultural givers.. The Bloodline that runs through your veins… Living through us… The Great Gods of the past!!

By: Blackgodd Anu

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